I have regularly taught at New York University and CUNY Brooklyn College as teaching assistant and as adjunct lecturer since 2015. As adjunct lecturer at NYU, I have led modules in the Cinema Studies department on adult animation, on the cinema of David Cronenberg, and will soon complete a course on Italian Giallo cinema. At Brooklyn College, I instead regularly lead a course on American Film Comedy in the film department.

Through the years I have come to realize that I am very invested in teaching: it is something that I do with passion and dedication, and that has given me plenty of professional satisfaction through the years. What I care about the most through my courses is crafting an environment for my students where all of them, regardless of their background, can find a platform to connect coursework to their own interests, so that, in the end, taking a course becomes not just a part of their college experience, but also an occasion for them for knowing more about themselves and who they are working to be.